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    • 情報更新日:2021/05/20 20:05:31

We need someone with experience propranolol anxiety disorder reviews Berke and Johnston aren?¢????t policymakers or engineers. They?¢????re pilots, and they believe in their work. A more disturbing assessment came from perhaps the most improbable source: Christopher Bogdan, the general who heads the Joint Strike Fighter program. A few weeks after I saw him in Norway, we sat down at his office in Crystal City. The plate-glass windows offered views of the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument, and if Bogdan had been wearing a dress uniform with his ribbons and his three stars, the scene would have looked like a cartoon or a clich????. But Bogdan, 52, wore a green flight suit. He too is a pilot, one who has logged 3,200 hours in 35 different military aircraft. answering questions, he frequently thumped his fist on a conference table.

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