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  • jhlVdAJelelsmgva

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    • 情報更新日:2021/05/26 17:05:18

Excellent work, Nice Design ciprofloxacino hidrocortisona lidocana In the news feature ???¢€œA WORLD WITHOUT MOSQUITOES???¢€ on 22nd August, 2010 author has nicely stated consequences of eradicating the mosquitos. For layman eradicating mosquito is necessary because it poses great damage to human beings. But for an ecologist the arguments differ. Every organism has an important to play for the functioning of ecosystem. As is the case with the mosquitos; they have both positive and negative aspects , although negative aspects outnumber the positives. For some researchers it is better to wipe out mosquito from this planet as they are detrimental to the existence of human life. But question arises on what grounds humans should be allowed to eradicate the mosquitos. After all every organism has right to live here in association with other organisms. This will be illogical to say that mosquitos should be stamped out because they cause one of the dangerous disease called malaria. If it is allowed in future course of time, then it will have bad consequences on the whole ecosystem. At the same time nature will not allow this thing to happen and will favour new species which will have more adaptability than mosquito. Furthermore, if humans are allowed to eradicate one species, then in near future researchers will campaign for eradication of wide range of parasites which are harmful to organisms. As we all know that parasites are integral part of foodweb and any disturbance in their abundance will have negative impact on the overall ecosystem.

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